Who we are

VanillaHalla is a tight-knit group of minecraft players, started in early 2019. Aiming to create a strong, worldwide community, bringing some more joy and understanding to the world. We aim to create a hermitcraft like experience on the server.

The main team consists of the following players:


Bloidar is one of the original creators of the VanillaHalla server, known as Just MineCraft (JMCS) at the time.


MrWacko is one of the original creators of the VanillaHalla server, known as Just MineCraft (JMCS) at the time.


ScottRadish is one of the original creators of the VanillaHalla server, known as Just MineCraft (JMCS) at the time.


Minecraft has been a part of my life since early 2013. While a small part at first, it’s part in my life has grown slowly since.

Minecraft has helped me through good times and through bad times. And while I may stray from it towards other games at times, I always tend to get back to it eventually.

In 2019 I joined the then Just Minecraft server, and, realizing we all could use a good map, set up a seperate server to render a dynmap from.

In Februari of 2020 I joined the mod team and helped out with most of the day to day technical challenges of running the server. JMCS and VanillaHalla have so become a more and more important part of my daily life, and in Oktober of 2021 I joined the admin team.

In real life I run my own IT company, specialising in software development and server hosting in The Netherlands. I have an american steffordshire terrier named Binky who is the world to me.


We’re pretty sure she joined the server at some point. No one knows much of this default-skined player, but one day her named turned orange and we just sort of rolled woth it….


Minecraft has been a part of my life from it’s early beginning. As a slave to technology and terrible gamer, a sandbox game that lets me pretend that I’m an outdoors person who likes gardening and hiking was the awakening I needed. This cognitive dissonance has allowed me to become a mediocre yet happy crafter.

I started this server in 2022 looking for a nice vanilla server that wasn’t pay to win. I tollerated the community so to push myself to be more than a auto farm builder… I’m still an automatic farm builder but now they are prettier automatic farms.

One morning I woke up and people were saying congratulations, apparently I did something right (or at the least didn’t get caught doing anything wrong) and the server overlords had bestowed upon me the rank of “Moderator”. An honorable role loved and respected by the community.

I bring to this prestigious roll a history of working nightclub doors beating up drunks and checking credentials of obviously underage girls, to my current profession of preparing the departed for their final send off from this mortal plane. Mostly I’m mean, unsociable and often have to clean other people’s messes… Which fits the role nicely.

In the blocky world of Minecraft I’ve modded on many other servers who also felt that this quiet autistic man child was a great fit to their team.. using skills of world edit, command blocks & google searching to facilitate many horrors upon unsuspecting players. To this server I bring darkeness to the daylight, silence to the noise and a convenient time slot as I live in Australia.