

I. General Rules:

  1. No offensive, homophobic, racist, etc. statements.
  2. Do not harass other users.
  3. You may not swear, as there are children present on the server at times.
  4. Do not spam


I. General Rules:

  1. We’re here to have fun. These rules are meant to help with that, usually by resolving disputes between players with competing ideas of fun.
  2. No griefing. Griefing is the intentional destruction or deletion of others property.
    • This includes destructive traps and pranks.
  3. No stealing.
  4. No duplicating items, utilizing cheats, hacked clients, x-raying, or anything else that can give you an advantage that other players do not have.
    • Searching on a map of our seed for resources in single player is not a suitable excuse for x-raying.
    • TNT entity duplication is allowed for the purposes of limited perimeter clearing, and in blast chambers for farms. World eaters are not allowed. (see V. Economy for more details)
    • Alt accounts are not allowed.
  5. No non-consensual PvP. Killing other players without consent is highly frowned upon and can net you punishment. PvP that has been agreed to beforehand is allowed.
  6. Language Policy – No offensive, homophobic, racist, etc. statements. Do not harass other users. You may not swear, as there are children present on the server at times. Do not spam the chat.
  7. You break it, you fix it. If a creeper shows up, you need to repair the damages or make an effort to assist in the repair. You must replant farms belonging to other players as well.
    • If you can’t fix it, leave a good (signed) note and an offer to help or message the owner on Discord.
  8. Pranks may be conducted. However, your pranks must be easily reversible. Examples include building funny (but appropriate) things on top of someone’s base or trapping them inside an obsidian or infinity box.
  9. Joining the server discord is required so you can see announcements.
  10. Utilize common sense with any rules that may not be listed. If you are not sure, ask. Admins reserve the final say in any matter.

II. Community Areas, Community Builds, and Themed Districts:

II a) Shopping:

  1. Shopping/Gaming Area starts outside the 64-block radius circle around spawn
  2. You can build any shop you like here, as long as it is not too big or obstructing the way/view in a major way
    • If you would like to build something gigantic, you need to first notify the moderators, but otherwise you are free to build
  3. You cannot build your base in the shopping area
  4. You must leave 10-15 blocks between your shop and the nether portal.
  5. You can sell anything you like, for any price, no matter how ridiculous it is.
  6. You can undercut other shops.
  7. You can not force another person to change the pricing. If they sell something for a specific price, you need to pay what they ask for. Tipping is, of course, allowed 😉
  8. Abandoned shops are bulldozed at least once a month if they are in disrepair or haven’t been stocked.
    • Signs or other in-game messages are usually posted in front of such builds to signify we are checking for activity. Also look out for #announcements, where we announce upcoming removal of shops.
  9. Please light your builds up and block off any environmental hazards.

II b) Gaming

  1. Gaming area is located somewhere on the mushroom island
  2. You are free to build any minigames you want here, to your heart’s content
  3. There is virtually no size limit for your builds
  4. You cannot build your base in the gaming area

II c) Other community builds/ projects

  1. Community Areas encompass constructions by multiple players regarding a common theme and/or purpose, often for a public service. 
  2. Community Builds are buildings which provide a public service for the entire server to use.
  3. Builds within community areas may be subject to extra scrutiny, to ensure they work with the design of the area.
  4. Community areas will generally have their own discord channel to discuss district specific topics and/or designs. 
  5. Additional rules for each community area may apply. See that area’s channel for any rules regarding that area.
  6. You cannot build your base on the central mushroom island.

III. Land claims and resource gathering:

  1. Any player may lay claim to land by submitting their base coordinates into the google form here:
  2. All bases and farms must be constructed at least 200 blocks away from spawn.
  3. Land claims give you exclusive rights to the area around the claim.
    • Land claims on islands give you exclusive rights to the island and its immediate surroundings, as long as the island is not excessively sized. Some islands are in close proximity to one another though, so care should be taken to be good neighbors.
  4. Neighboring claims should be appropriately spaced from existing claims. When in doubt, ask.
  5. Neighbors are expected to work with one another to avoid issues.

IV. Reserved Space:

  1. Areas listed here have special restrictions or concerns when building in them. Please ask before you build in these areas. 
  2. The large mushroom island centered on (0, 0) is reserved for shopping, gaming and spawn.
  3. All space in the 64 block circle around spawn is reserved.
    • Shopping starts outside the 64-block radius circle around spawn.
  4. The End outside of +/- 1500 x/z (The main island, and a few of the smaller ones surrounding it) will be reset on a periodic basis to increase the supply of shulkers. Selective exemptions may be considered on a case by case basis.

V. Economy:

  1. Selling resources for diamonds, services or other materials is encouraged. Giving away resources or flooding the economy is not. Building farms is part of the fun, but if everyone can access the first farm of a type, you remove a lot of the incentive to build more.
  2. The basic currencies of the server are diamonds and trust. Don’t abuse either.
  3. Many items can be automatically farmed. You are encouraged to build these farms for personal and commercial use. Do not flood the economy though.
    • TNT entity duplication is allowed as a means to power such farms.
    • World eaters to get functionally infinite diamonds or other resources are not allowed. You can use Tnt duping to dig out an area you might need for a build, but you are not allowed to store the blocks you blow up while doing that. Your only reward is time saved.